Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Review - Miss Jessie's Products

*The above picture is only an example of the samples I bought. The Sample Bag I bought had about 10 sample packets in a sandwich size zip lock bag, and was purchased by me at my local beauty supply store for $6.99*

Being newly natural, it's easy to become what naturals call a "product junkie" because there are lots of products you want to try to see if it works best for you. But as a wife and mom on a budget, I make a conscious effort not to buy a bunch of things that will end up barely used and living in my bathroom cabinet.

My Natural Hair Journey - Month 2 - February 2013

***This was written in February 2013, the second month of my natural hair journey.***

*At our church's Red Rose Banquet with my son*

It has been a very busy month! Between birthday parties and banquet planning, I've hardly had time for myself! (*rolls eyes* "Right, Chinelo, like you ever did!" Lol)

Every Journey Begins with a Single Step

***This was written in January 2013, the first month of my natural hair journey.***

*1 week post-Big Chop*
My name is Chinelo. I was born and raised in Nigeria, and I currently live in Pennsylvania, USA. I'm the wife of a wonderful man of God, and the mother of two beautiful babies (ages 2 1/2 and 1). I love kids and I'm a pediatric nurse. I love school and I hope to go back...someday.

My natural hair journey is actually a very long story...