Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Up until a month ago, the actual process of washing my daughter's hair was very stressful. For both of us. Why? She absolutely hates water on her face! Washing her face during bath time is bad enough. Now, picture washing her hair...! And she won't tilt her head back because she's doesn't understand that it helps more than it hurts.

Well, after one VERY frustrating wash day, I thought to myself: "There must be someone else out there who has experienced this. There must be some product that has been invented for cases like this." And surely enough, there was.

I don't remember what exactly I typed in Google (something like "shampoo cap for children"), but after much run around, I found this product on Ebay for about $3.

It's called a "Soft Adjustable Bath Shower Shampoo Cap for Kids." It fits around her head using adjustable snaps, so can be used for different sizes of children. About 99% of the water poured on her head drains away from her face, creating a waterfall effect, which she loves to play with. Finally, wash day is no longer a dread!

Happy Baby = Happy Mommy!

For more information on her hair care routine, click here.

Do you have any tips/tricks on washing kids' hair? Please feel free to share below.

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